Local blood drive gets out of hand

The Flatwoods community showed up in resounding force for the blood drive this past week. So much so that a clerical issue resulted in somewhat of a mishap.

Head hematologist Kendra Keen (6) said "The good news is that we filled all the needs of the blood types that we needed. After that it became an issue of logistics on what to do with all this blood. We had to get a little creative."

"Gas is so expensive I figured what could it possibly hurt to try it out as a fuel source" said Steven Chen (9). "The exhaust puts off a stinky, kind of sweet aroma and I occasionally find myself gaining a sudden appetite. MPG is nowhere near as good as regular combustible fuel but it's free and hell I brought enough home I can run everything without a gas bill for at least a month."

No one was injured but residents of Flatwoods have noticed an influx of ticks mosquitoes and vampire bats.

(photos below)